Advertising Rates

Illinois School Board Journal Advertising

The Illinois School Board Journal is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards and mailed to school board members, superintendents, and chief business officials in member school districts, as well as to non-member subscribers and key governmental and education officials.

Non-member subscription rate: $20 per year (domestic); $25 per year (foreign).

Issuance and Closing Dates

Published bi-monthly. Advertising space orders and final ad proof must be received on: December 1, for January-February issue; February 1, for March-April issue; April 1, for May-June issue; June 1, for July-August issue; August 1 for September-October issue; October 1, for November- December issue.

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Advertising Policy

All advertising is subject to the publisher's approval. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that is not in keeping with publication standards. Advertiser and advertising agency assume responsibility for content of advertisements printed and for any claims arising from them against the publisher.

Advertising that simulates editorial content will be labeled 'advertisement' and/or boxed, at the discretion of the publisher.

For information about the Journal's editorial statement, distribution, inserts, payment terms and agency commissions, mechanical requirements and page dimensions, special services, and free bonus for advertisers, contact:

2921 Baker Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929
Telephone: (217) 528-9688, ext. 1131
FAX: (217) 241-2144