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Cover Stories

  • Cannabis and new Illinois law: Assessing impacts to school districts

    By Tony Sanders
    The CRTA has multiple legal and policy implications for Illinois school districts. Explore some of the implications as well as policy changes for school boards and school officials to contemplate in the areas of student discipline, employment policies and handbooks, public access to school facilities, and dual-credit programs.
  • What Every School Leader Needs to Know About English Learners

    By Sonia Soltero, Karen Garibay-Mulattieri, and Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro
    The term “English Learner” has been used since No Child Left Behind to describe students who need specialized instruction to master the academic English necessary for scholastic success. Illinois is currently referring to English Learners as “Emergent Bilinguals,” to focus on their potential to become fully multilingual. These students’ educational experiences and academic opportunities serve as a critical conduit for how they will flourish and succeed as adults.
  • The Student Vaping Crisis: How Schools Are Fighting Back

    By Denisa R. Superville and Arianna Prothero
    The surge in the number of students using e-cigarettes, the proliferation of products designed to disguise vaping, and the recent increase in serious vaping-related illness, is raising concern across the nation and in Illinois.
  • Q&A: Educational Equity

    As answered by Bea Young Associates, LLC: Collaboration for Educational Equity and compiled by Theresa Kelly Gegen
    Educational equity means that every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education, and students’ needs are not going unmet due to race, ethnicity, dominant language, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, family background, and/or family income.
    IASB's definition of equity speaks to fairness and inclusion. Fairness posits no personal and/or cultural attribute of an individual should interfere or distract from that student’s potential to succeed. A way to think about inclusion is that school districts actively examine their assumptions, policies, practices, personnel, and curriculum to remove systemic obstacles to student achievement.

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