Practical PR: Amplifying Student Board Voices
By Anna Gonzales
Student board representatives hold a unique opportunity to not only provide a youthful perspective on critical issues but also to grow as leaders within their school communities. Their impact, however, depends on how visible and engaged they are in this role. When staff and board members take intentional steps to ensure student representatives are seen, heard, and recognized as leaders, they amplify the voices of young changemakers. By doing so, they help these students emerge as confident individuals ready to shape the future.
Introducing Them to the Community
The journey to leadership for student board representatives begins with a proper introduction to the school community. In West Aurora SD 129 (SD129), the induction process starts each May, when new student board representatives take the oath of office. This initial meeting is not only ceremonial but also the first opportunity to establish them as visible leaders. The district’s community affairs department plays a critical role in this, gathering biographical details, candid photos, and professional headshots. Their profiles are shared via email, social media, and the website, while their headshots are prominently displayed in the boardroom entry, ensuring that students, parents, community members, and board meeting attendees can immediately recognize and connect with the new representatives.
By making purposeful introductions, districts can foster recognition and encourage engagement between student representatives and the broader community they serve. The first impression made in these initial steps is crucial to how students will be perceived. They’re not just being introduced as individuals, but as future leaders and contributors. This moment sets the tone for the expectations and relationships that follow, creating a foundation for engagement that will extend far beyond their term on the board.
Building Their Visibility
There are several ways districts can be intentional about promoting student board member visibility. In SD129, efforts to build visibility have included encouraging student representatives to attend school, district, and extracurricular activities, following the example set by Board of Education members. Equipped with name tags that make them easily identifiable, their participation in these events reinforces their roles as visible and approachable leaders among their peers. Name tags serve not only as a practical tool but as a symbol of accessibility, allowing students to interact with their peers and community members. The presence of student board representatives at these events also helps establish their role as part of the fabric of the school and community, signaling to all involved that they are respected voices, valued by both the student body and the larger community.
Another way SD129 enhances student board members’ visibility is by featuring them in the annual State of the District video address, where they present key information using a teleprompter. This opportunity not only raises their public profile but also helps them develop valuable public speaking and leadership skills. It provides a rare platform for students to practice articulating complex ideas in a professional environment, building their confidence in the process. Additionally, SD129 engages student board representatives in its podcast, hosted by the superintendent, where these students share their experiences, ideas, and goals with the broader community.
Collectively, these varied efforts help position student board representatives as influential contributors who play an active role in their school community’s success. These initiatives also serve as a model for how to integrate young voices into public life, preparing student leaders for the responsibilities they’ll take on in future roles.
Giving Them a Voice
Giving student board representatives a voice is a crucial part of their role, both in board meetings and in the media. In SD129, the student board representatives are given the floor during each meeting, providing an invaluable opportunity to contribute their insights. This year, the student representatives have expanded their role by including the voices of their peers through recorded interviews. These interviews, replayed during board meetings, allow student board representatives to represent their peers more effectively, ensuring that a wider range of student perspectives is heard. In these interviews, students have the opportunity to voice opinions on school issues that affect them directly, from classroom experiences to extracurricular activities, providing a platform for their perspectives to be heard by decision-makers.
In addition to active participation in board meetings, SD129 encourages student representatives to engage with the media when appropriate, an often-overlooked task for young leaders. Rather than shielding them from media attention, they are provided with guidance on how to handle interviews, all while encouraging their authentic voices to shine through. This experience not only enhances their leadership capabilities but also provides them with valuable skills for navigating public communication, which will serve them in their future professional lives.
Empowering student board representatives not only strengthens their confidence but also fosters a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and achievements students experience today within their communities. By encouraging them to speak openly and confidently, students are able to shape the narrative about their needs and desires within the school district, helping to build more effective and responsive policies.
Being Open to Their Ideas
Finally, supporting student board representatives means being receptive to their ideas. In SD129, a culture is fostered where student representatives are empowered to bring their suggestions to the table. This year, a student board representative, who has been involved in the high school’s broadcast club, proposed collaborating with a former board president to provide live play-by-play commentary for some home football games. The result was a dynamic and engaging experience for audiences, blending the historical perspective of the former board president with the youthful energy and insight of the student representative. This collaboration not only enriched the game-day experience but also demonstrated the value of embracing student ideas and allowing them to lead in unique and meaningful ways.
When students are given the freedom to propose and execute their own initiatives, it demonstrates trust in their judgment and abilities. This sense of ownership motivates them to take their roles seriously and fosters a stronger connection to the communities they serve. By remaining open to their initiatives, student representatives are encouraged to take ownership of their roles and make meaningful, lasting contributions to their schools and communities.
This collaborative approach allows students to be seen not just as participants, but as active leaders, shaping the school environment in ways that are both innovative and impactful.
Amplifying student board voices requires more than simply giving them a seat at the table. It involves a deliberate effort to introduce student board members as leaders, build their visibility, provide platforms for their voices, and empower them to take charge of their roles. In West Aurora SD 129, student representatives are supported in becoming not only heard but also seen and respected as leaders. Through these intentional efforts, the district fosters a new generation of confident, innovative thinkers who are poised to lead in their future careers and communities.
Ultimately, fostering student leadership within school districts serves a greater purpose than just preparing students for board meetings. It prepares them for lives of purpose and service, helping to develop leaders who are not only capable but passionate about making a difference in their communities. The skills, confidence, and sense of responsibility that student board representatives gain from their experiences are vital to the development of tomorrow’s leaders. These opportunities not only prepare students for future leadership roles but instill a sense of civic duty and social responsibility that will carry with them throughout their lives.