The March/April 2025 issue of the Illinois School Board Journal offers insights and anecdotes on the importance of Career an Technical Education in Illinois. Find the Journal in your mailbox, read selected text below, or discover the complete digital edition.

Cover Stories

  • Invest CTE: Student-Centered Efforts Develop Tomorrow’s Workforce

    Submitted by Kaleb Smith for Invest CTE
    Invest CTE aims to increase resources for high school CTE programs to better equip students with the skills needed for today’s workforce.
  • Vision 2030: Promise & Future

    Future-focused learning is about reshaping our schools and classrooms and redefining student success to reflect and prepare students for all the different ways the world and economy continue to change. 
  • Call to Action on CTE

    By Kaleb Smith
    Despite the clear benefits to students, communities, and our economy, many CTE programs face challenges due to limited funding, outdated equipment, and constrained capacity, leaving many students turned away.
  • Enhancing College and Career Readiness in District 300

    Submitted by Community Unit School District 300
    District 300 has a strong foundation for CTE  efforts since the launch of its Pathways program in 2014.
  • Flyover: CTE Across Illinois

    Submitted by Education for Employment CTE Regional Delivery Systems
    Vignettes excerpted from the 2023 and 2024 Career and Technical Education Annual Reports from ISBE.

Regular Features
