Flyover: CTE Across Illinois
Submitted by Education for Employment CTE Regional Delivery Systems
The following vignettes were excerpted from the 2023 and 2024 Career and Technical Education Annual Reports produced by the Illinois State Board of Education. They feature reports of what’s happening in CTE across the state and were provided to ISBE by the Education for Employment CTE Regional Delivery Systems (EFE).
Three programs at Riverside Brookfield High School came together to develop and construct a food truck within the school. The food truck was designed and built by the drafting and construction students. The marketing/business students developed themes; they formed teams to pitch the ideas to the culinary students. The culinary students determined which group’s proposal was selected. The marketing/business students began using social media to advertise the project, and the culinary students developed the menus. The effort resulted in a day that featured the collaboration of selling tickets and serving dishes to students and staff at the high school.
Des Plaines Valley
(EFE Region 030)
A carnival game design exercise in the engineering and design class was a collaborative effort by the students. Students reviewed and applied an engineering design process to collaboratively design a carnival game. As part of the design process, students practice the art of brainstorming and begin to develop skills in graphically representing ideas through concept sketching. Students also have an opportunity to develop and test a solution and improve the design through iteration. In addition, students learn statistical techniques to evaluate design solutions and apply statistics to inform design decisions related to their game design.
Career Development System
(EFE Region 065)
The students studying metal inert gas welding completed projects in welding class. They were taught how to fabricate each part and to follow procedures accordingly. Students then had to piece all the parts together with tack welds and fully weld them out in a specific procedure to cover several types of required welds. The main designs were the same, but the students had the chance to customize them in diverse ways with various handles, designs on the sides, etc. These projects were incredibly technical and fun for the students.
Kishwaukee Educ Consortium
(EFE Region 160)
Vienna High School started an aviation pipeline program, which is being taught by VHS instructor Wade Stewart, in partnership with Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Aviation. The partnership allows Vienna students to take courses aligned with the SIUC program. AVT112, which is aircraft electricity, and AVT111, which is materials processing, are both taught in Vienna. An agreement between Vienna and SIUC allows students who successfully complete these courses while in high school to be eligible to take proficiency exams. This, in turn, allows them to earn SIUC credits and get a jump start on the completion of the aviation degree programs at the School of Aviation. There is a high demand for maintenance workers, pilots, and various other employees.
Five County Reg Voc System
(EFE Region 480)
Wilco Area Career Center — along with Grundy Area Vocational Center, Joliet Township High Schools, and Joliet Junior College — have created a partnership with Constellation Energy to offer 24 students an opportunity to be part of the Chris Crane High School to Work Program. This new workforce development program will pair students in the dual enrollment Automated Industrial Maintenance Program with mentors from Constellation. Students will engage in career development activities throughout the school year, have the opportunity for a summer internship, and may qualify for scholarships to continue their education and training. SkillsUSA is also a key part of the partnership offering employability skills to students, along with building leadership skills. JJC, JTHS, and Wilco have received grants from ISBE and the Illinois Community College Board to grow the program and create a pathway to success.
Three Rivers EFE System
(EFE System 100)
Alden-Hebron High School District 19 Alden-Hebron High School’s new agriculture program has quickly become a point of pride for the district and community. The 79 FFA members represent 75% of the student body. The program has already achieved top five places in dairy foods, horticulture, and meat science competitions. Additionally, the district partners with Lake County Tech Campus to offer CTE courses and programs to 39 juniors and seniors. Students have chosen to participate in 12 programs, earning college credits or certifications, preparing them for future success in various fields.
McHenry County Cooperative for Employment Education
(EFE System 140)
In the 2023-24 school year, 44 of 46 Health Occupations Youth Apprenticeships (HOYA) students passed the Illinois Department of Public Health Nurse Aide Competency written exam, achieving the best mark over the past 10 years. … To be eligible to take the written exam, a student must first successfully complete the Basic Nursing Assistant course with 120 hours of classroom theory, 40 hours of clinical, on-the-job training, and a score of at least 80% … During the clinical hours (after school or on Saturdays), students needed to pass 21 individual skills before they could test. Upon passing the state competency exam, a student is added to the IDPH Health Care Worker Registry and becomes eligible to work as a CNA.
Career & Tech Educ Consortium
(EFE System 220)
There were 20 schools represented at a 3D printer workshop, with 33 teachers in attendance, and the overall feedback was positive. Those new to this technology benefited the most and greatly appreciated their school receiving the training and a printer. The 3D printer at each school will integrate STEM into many classrooms for the first time. It is still new tech, so the “wow” factor does exist. Teachers can engage students in offering hands-on experiences, encouraging students to experiment, and designing and solving problems in a fun way. Overall, printers can enhance lessons and help build classroom community.
Quad City Career and Tech Ed Consortium
(EFE System 185)