A number of pamphlets and useful tools are available to assist not only local boards of education, but also the general public in understanding some basic principles of school governance and the role of a local school board. Some act to inform about the fuctions of a school board, while others seek to educate the community about recruiting board candidates. Others look to tackle more in-depth issues, such as school finance.
Annual School Calendar — Dates contained in this calendar comply with all statutory deadlines contained in the Election Code, School Code, and selected acts of the General Assembly.
Understanding School Finance — A brief look at where Illinois schools get their money and where they spend it.
How School Boards Work — Insights into the functions of boards of education.
Bringing Student Representatives to the Board Table — Learn more about the process to bring student members to the board table, what student representatives can do, and best practices for youth involvement in this publication.
Illinois English Learner Handbook: A Guide for School Board Members, District Administrators, and Principals — This handbook is presented with the goal of achieving increased academic outcomes and the lifelong success of English Learners.
Qualifications and Characteristics of School Board Candidates — Offers points for consideration and preparation for school board service, including characteristics of effective school board members.
A School Board's Guide to Identifying, Recruiting, and Mentoring Future School Board Members — Intended to support the work of local boards of education in developing an effective, ongoing process for finding school board candidates.
IASB Annual Report — This report offers a snapshot of the work of IASB during the past fiscal year.