The Importance of Student Representation on Your School Board
At the school board level, when youth representation is intentional and supported, school boards benefit from student members’ points of view, creative thinking, inquiring natures, and open-mindedness. Fully engaged youth leaders are essential to building a positive school climate, learning about student concerns, and making good decisions as a school board.
Learn more about the process to bring student members to the board table, what student representatives can do, and best practices for youth involvement.
Bringing Student Representatives to the Board Table
Guidance for Student Representatives to the School Board
Student board members or representatives bring a student voice to the school district governance team. By meaningfully participating in the governance process of a school district, student board members can learn essential democratic skills while representing and advocating for their peers. They are able to participate in discussions of the school district’s values, purpose, and goals, and serve as a liaison between students and the board. This guidance includes a Student Representative Self-Assessment, expectations for student board members, and other helpful insights to prepare student representatives for their role.
Guidance for Student Representatives to the School Board

Additional Resources
- Sample Student Representative to the Board Descriptor
- Sample Student Representative Application
- Sample Interview questions
- Sample Student Representative Oath of Office