The Delegate Assembly Plays a Pivitol Role in Shaping IASB's Advocacy Work
The annual Delegate Assembly is the meeting where school board members vote on the proposals submitted by local school boards. Each school board that is a member of the Association is entitled to one voting delegate at the Delegate Assembly. Every member board should select one individual board member to serve as its delegate, and to review proposed resolutions with the full board before determining its vote.

What is the Delegate Assembly?
The annual Delegate Assembly is a meeting where board members come together to vote on resolutions submitted by local school boards. A Resolutions Committee Report, available to members prior to the Delegate Assembly, includes a description and rationale for each resolution and the Committee’s recommendation for each proposal. Resolutions adopted by the Delegate Assembly become Position Statements and guide IASB’s advocacy work.School boards that seek to change or add to IASB’s positions are encouraged to take advantage of the resolutions process. In addition to voting on resolutions, school board members also vote on
The election of the IASB President and Vice President (each for a one-year term).
Any Constitutional Amendments recommended by the IASB Board of Directors.