
Resolutions Information

FAQ: IASB's Resolutions Process

The Resolutions Process is one of the most important undertaken by the Illinois Association of School Boards. It begins in April with the Call for Resolutions and culminates at the annual Delegate Assembly where the decisions reached by member boards of education determine the direction of the Association’s advocacy efforts and legislative agenda on behalf of IASB members. New resolutions, amendments to current position statements, and amendments to the Constitution may be submitted. School boards that seek to change or add to IASB’s position statements are encouraged to take advantage of the Resolutions Process.
An IASB Resolution asks the Association to take a position and/or action. A resolution consists of at least one directive to take action, or a new/amended position statement accompanied by supporting statements or facts. Once a resolution proposal is submitted, it is debated at the Resolutions Committee meeting in August. Upon the committee’s review, proposed resolutions are forwarded to member boards of education for consideration. The Resolutions Committee is made up of 21 school board members representing each of the Association’s divisions. The committee members are elected by fellow school board members from their division to represent them on the statewide committee.
School boards that are members of the Association typically write and submit resolution proposals. Per the IASB Constitution, resolutions may be proposed by an Active Member, Association Division, the Association's Board of Directors, or the Resolutions Committee. Every proposal includes a statement of resolution and a statement of rationale. IASB staff works with the proposing school board(s), as needed, by reviewing and researching proposed resolutions to provide historical background on current law and ensure proper formatting. Member districts are limited to submitting a maxium of three submissions each year.
No. Each resolution requires a vote from the board in order to present the resolution.
On an annual basis IASB has a "Call for Resolutions." An online form is made available for the Resolutions Process. The form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to IASB by the due date listed within the form. IASB staff then compiles all submitted resolutions for the Resolutions Committee and includes a “staff rationale” which provides additional information.

Each member district may submit a “New Resolution” or an “Amendment” to a current position statement.  Each member district may submit no more than three resolutions.
The timeline opens annually in April, when resolutions forms are available to IASB member school districts. Proposed resolutions are due in June for review by IASB staff and the Resolutions Committee, which meets in August. Per the IASB Constitution, the report of the Resolutions Committee is published and sent to all member districts in September.

One day prior to the Delegate Assembly in November, the Resolutions Committee meets to consider late resolutions, appeals to Committee recommendations, or for further discussion on resolutions submitted. The Delegate Assembly officially convenes on the Saturday of the Joint Annual Conference.
Each proposal is carefully reviewed and discussed at the Resolutions Committee meeting in August, at which submitting members are invited to present their resolution and provide testimony. Per the IASB Constitution, the Resolutions Committee has three options upon receiving a proposal. The Committee can recommend "do adopt,” “do not adopt," or “do not present.” A “do adopt” recommendation is taken to the Delegate Assembly floor for a vote. In the case of a “do not adopt,” the appeals process is activated, and the submitting member may appeal the Resolutions Committee recommendation in writing no later than the close of business 30 calendar days before the Delegate Assembly meeting (see Constitution IX. Resolutions Section 5). The Committee can also exercise its prerogative to determine that a proposal will not be presented to the Delegate Assembly for consideration with a “do not present” motion. In this scenario, the resolution would not move forward in the process and would not be subject to the appeals process.
Following the Resolutions Committee meeting in August, a Resolutions Committee Report is posted online and sent to all IASB member boards in September. The report includes all submitted resolutions, the rational for each, and the Resolutions Committee’s analysis and recommendation for each proposal.
The IASB Delegate Assembly, held annually during the Joint Annual Conference, is the meeting at which member boards of education vote on the resolutions submitted. Each school board that is a member of the Association is entitled to one voting delegate at the Delegate Assembly. Every member board is entitled to select one individual board member to serve as its voting delegate. Delegates should review proposed resolutions with their full board before determining a vote.
At the Delegate Assembly the proposed resolutions are brought for a vote of the Assembly. Discussion is held before votes are taken. Voting must be done in person (though a delegate is not required to be registered for the Conference). Delegates vote on the Resolutions Committee’s recommendations of “do adopt” or “do not adopt” the resolution proposals. The Delegate Assembly vote determines the final decision on all resolutions. If approved by the Delegate Assembly, resolutions become Position Statements or Belief Statements in the IASB Constitution and provide IASB staff direction on legislative positions.
Any Active Member, Association Division, or the Association Board of Directors that has submitted a proposal and received a “do not adopt” recommendation from the Resolutions Committee, shall have the right to appeal the decision(s) of the Resolutions Committee at the Delegate Assembly. Notice of appeal must be submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee. The committee must be in receipt of the written appeal no later than the close of business 30 calendar days before the Annual Meeting of the Delegate Assembly.

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