With both chambers of Congress in session this week, lawmakers struck a deal on a framework for a spending bill to fund the government for FY 2023. Chairs from both the House and Senate Appropriations committees stated that negotiators reached agreement on a bill that can pass both chambers. A review of recent federal public policy issues affecting K-12 education and employment follows. Points of interest include the Secretary of Education addressing 2023 priorities as well as participating in discussions with Native American parents, several new publications of interest, and some upcoming events.
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently presented a message laying out the Department of Education’s focus for the year, building off priorities to promote academic excellence and prepare for global competitiveness outlined last year. Both the archived video of Secretary Cardona’s address and a transcript of the prepared remarks can be found online.CARDONA PARTICIPATES IN ROUNDTABLE WITH NATIVE AMERICAN PARENTS
In late January, Secretary Cardona participated in a roundtable with Native American parents around Oklahoma City so that parents could share their unique experiences in urban schools and learn more about the language preservation and revitalization supports that the Department of Education provides to Native Americans. Cardona echoed the voices of the parents that shared their experiences with him, saying, “We owe it to our students to do better. There is more money in education than ever before. How we use it will determine how successful our students are.” The press release is available with additional information.ED ANNOUNCES $63M TO EXPAND COMMUNITY SCHOOLS
The Department of Education announced $63 million in new five-year Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) grants. The grants will help expand existing community schools or establish new programs in several states and territories, including nearly $6 million awarded to five Illinois locations. Additional information can be found on the U.S. Department of Education website.NEW PUBLICATIONS
National Call to Action for Summer Learning: How Did School Districts Respond?Westat (December 2022) This report is the first in a three-part series that examines 2021 summer learning from State Education Agencies and Local Education Agency perspectives.
States with Best and Worst Education (2023) Where does Illinois rank?
Scholaroo (January 2023) Scholaroo, a company that specializes in scholarship and college access support for students, released a set of rankings measuring state education systems. The data set they used considers a depth of topics across 43 key indicators, ranging from metrics that measure how much a student is enabled to succeed, to metrics that measure school security.
College Enrollment Disparities: Understanding the Role of Academic Preparation
Brookings Center on Children and Families (January 2023) The report’s findings suggest that college attainment gaps associated with socioeconomic status, gender, and race are significant, but the gaps are smaller, and sometimes reversed, among more academically prepared students.
Thursday, February 16, 2023Webinar: Opportunities to Expand Computer Science Education (E&S, H) Subject: The Education Commission of the States will hold a webinar to explore opportunities to expand computer science education.
Time: Noon Central Time
Registration: Register here
U.S. House and Senate 2022 Schedule(Opens in a new window)
U.S. Department of Education(Opens in a new window)
U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions(Opens in a new window)
U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor(Opens in a new window)
U.S. Senate Budget Committee(Opens in a new window)
Congressional Budget Office(Opens in a new window)
Federal legislative information(Opens in a new window)
This Federal Legislative Report was written with assistance from the Consortium of State School Boards Associations.