Delivered via email: February 28, 2025
The IASB Governmental Relations team is actively monitoring several important issues, including dual credit, changes to homeschooling requirements, as well as addressing concerns related to student discipline, book bans, cell phone policies, changes to 403(b) plans, mandating mobile panic buttons, and the safety of students with seat belts on buses. For a complete list of bills the IASB Governmental Relations team is monitoring, please see the Legislative Tracking Lists below.
The discussion also focused on how ISBE is managing federal funding uncertainties. Dr. Sanders addressed questions regarding his work to ensure that Illinois is prepared for potential changes at the federal level. Specifically, he emphasized that if the federal funds were provided as a block grant, the state would have the flexibility to ensure that the money would reach the students who need it most and is working to ensure that would be a smooth transition. Dr. Sanders noted that the proposed ISBE budget does not assume that federal dollars will be reduced or eliminated and does not account for the state making up the difference if that were to occur.
HB1430 (Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado) Student Investment Account - This bill revises the Student Investment Account Act which allows for college savings by eliminating references to income-sharing agreements and expanding the definition and options for education financing.
SB28, Floor Amendment 1 (Sen. Kimberly Lightford) Student Growth - Senate Floor Amendment 1 fixes technical errors to SB28, which removes the mandate that student growth be used as a significant factor in educator and principal evaluations. The amendment passed the Senate Education Committee on February 26 with a vote of 14-0-0.
SB1740 (Sen. Mary Edly-Allen) Mandate Reduction - Creates the Mandate Reduction Council to evaluate and assess mandates for the purpose of modifying, combining, or eliminating mandates. SB1740 also removes some outdated mandates from the school code, such as requiring superintendents to include moral and humane education in the program of the teachers' institute. This mandate was enacted in the 1970s and is no longer relevant. The legislation passed out of the Senate Education Committee 10-3-0 on Tuesday. There were questions from some Republican Senators on aspects of the bill that the sponsor agreed to address with a future floor amendment.
To register to become an Advocacy Ambassador, visit the Advocacy Tab on the IASB website. If you are already registered as an Advocacy Ambassador, you will be able to register to attend the March webinar by visiting the IASB Events Calendar.
In an effort to ensure that IASB members can monitor all bills the Governmental Relations team is tracking, legislation has been broken down into nine different topics:
This Week at the Capitol
Both the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives met again this week, and, like previous weeks, the schedule was marked by cancellations. The House Policy and House Elementary and Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Committees were canceled, which will lead to larger workloads in the coming weeks as the committee deadline approaches. While the Senate Education Committee did meet, only a few bills were heard.The IASB Governmental Relations team is actively monitoring several important issues, including dual credit, changes to homeschooling requirements, as well as addressing concerns related to student discipline, book bans, cell phone policies, changes to 403(b) plans, mandating mobile panic buttons, and the safety of students with seat belts on buses. For a complete list of bills the IASB Governmental Relations team is monitoring, please see the Legislative Tracking Lists below.
ISBE Budget Request and Federal Funding Uncertainties
Dr. Tony Sanders, Superintendent of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), presented his budget request to the House Appropriations: Elementary and Secondary Education Committee. This is following the Governor’s budget address last week. Both proposals include a $350 million increase in the Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) formula, as well as a proposed $1.3 million increase in funding for Career and Technical Education (CTE). Two important areas that ISBE’s request differed from the Governor’s proposal included: 1) a $142 million increase for mandated categoricals (MCAT) funding ($122 million more than the Governor’s budget proposal), noting that this was very much a maintenance request to keep FY2025 prorations level and emphasized that schools cannot educate students until they arrive at building; and 2) an additional $75 million for the Smart Start early childhood block grant (the Governor recommended pausing the $75 million increase in FY2026, keeping that block grant at FY2025 funding levels).The discussion also focused on how ISBE is managing federal funding uncertainties. Dr. Sanders addressed questions regarding his work to ensure that Illinois is prepared for potential changes at the federal level. Specifically, he emphasized that if the federal funds were provided as a block grant, the state would have the flexibility to ensure that the money would reach the students who need it most and is working to ensure that would be a smooth transition. Dr. Sanders noted that the proposed ISBE budget does not assume that federal dollars will be reduced or eliminated and does not account for the state making up the difference if that were to occur.
Addressing an IASB Position Statement
IASB Governmental Relations staff were asked to testify in support of legislation allowing school districts to opt into Central Management Services insurance plans. As this was a newly adopted Position Statement at the 2025 Delegate Assembly, the IASB GR team agreed to participate. Unfortunately, the bill was not called in Committee, but IASB is hopeful it will be considered in future hearings.Bills Passed out of Committee
HB1189 (Rep. Jay Hoffman) Prevailing Wage, Federal Projects - This bill amends the Prevailing Wage Act to broaden the definition of “public works.” The bill highlights specific projects that are now classified as public works. This may have a modest impact on school districts as it would require paying prevailing wage only if federal funds are used for the project.HB1430 (Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado) Student Investment Account - This bill revises the Student Investment Account Act which allows for college savings by eliminating references to income-sharing agreements and expanding the definition and options for education financing.
SB28, Floor Amendment 1 (Sen. Kimberly Lightford) Student Growth - Senate Floor Amendment 1 fixes technical errors to SB28, which removes the mandate that student growth be used as a significant factor in educator and principal evaluations. The amendment passed the Senate Education Committee on February 26 with a vote of 14-0-0.
SB1740 (Sen. Mary Edly-Allen) Mandate Reduction - Creates the Mandate Reduction Council to evaluate and assess mandates for the purpose of modifying, combining, or eliminating mandates. SB1740 also removes some outdated mandates from the school code, such as requiring superintendents to include moral and humane education in the program of the teachers' institute. This mandate was enacted in the 1970s and is no longer relevant. The legislation passed out of the Senate Education Committee 10-3-0 on Tuesday. There were questions from some Republican Senators on aspects of the bill that the sponsor agreed to address with a future floor amendment.
Advocacy Ambassadors
The IASB Governmental Relations team would like to invite registered Advocacy Ambassadors to join us virtually on March 14 from noon until 1 p.m. for the Advocacy Ambassador March webinar. The meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about what is happening at the State Capitol, bills that are being monitored, and an opportunity for members to ask questions and provide feedback to the IASB Governmental Relations team.To register to become an Advocacy Ambassador, visit the Advocacy Tab on the IASB website. If you are already registered as an Advocacy Ambassador, you will be able to register to attend the March webinar by visiting the IASB Events Calendar.
Legislative Tracking Lists
The IASB Governmental Relations team tracks all legislation that may impact K-12 public education and makes regular updates to that list. As a reminder, although a bill may be filed, many factors influence whether it makes its way through the legislative process. Some of those factors include whether the bill gets assigned by leadership to a committee, the extent of any opposition, and the priorities of the sponsor.In an effort to ensure that IASB members can monitor all bills the Governmental Relations team is tracking, legislation has been broken down into nine different topics:
- Boards of Education(Opens in a new window)
- Insurance(Opens in a new window)
- Open Meetings Act(Opens in a new window)
- Personnel(Opens in a new window)
- Regional Office of Education(Opens in a new window)
- School Finance(Opens in a new window)
- School Safety and Health(Opens in a new window)
- Students(Opens in a new window)
- Taxation