Registration is required for all courses and webinars. Once registration is complete, registrants will receive a confirmation email with a link to access their classroom.

If you have previously registered, click on the My Registered Courses button below to access your courses.

Please note: Read mandatory course descriptions carefully to ensure registration is for the correct course. Registrants have access to courses for one year from the time of registration. After a year, the registration will expire, and the member will need to re-register and pay for the course again to access the content.

For more information email or contact Linda Zulaski at (630) 629-3776, ext. 1212.

My Registered Courses   View Registration Instructions

New Board Member Training Bundle

This offering sets you on the road to success and includes three courses produced by IASB for new board members:

  1. The Basics of Governance

  2. Open Meetings Act (OMA) Training for School Board Members** State Mandated

  3. Professional Development Leadership Training (PDLT) and Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) Training for School Board Members; training on trauma-informed practices; and improving student outcomes (new in 2025)** State Mandated

Advanced OMA: Your Questions, Our Answers

Join our Advanced Open Meetings Act (OMA) Course and get your questions answered! Based on real questions from board members, delve into legal nuances, practical strategies, and techniques to navigate complex OMA requirements. Gain insights on facilitating public access, promoting transparency, handling closed sessions, documenting proceedings, and more. Elevate your understanding of OMA's impact on decision-making, public trust, and community engagement. Enhance your skills and lead with integrity.

Trauma-Informed Practices for Veteran School Board Members Only

This covers trauma-informed practices for students and staff with information that is relevant to and within the scope of the duties of a school board member.

Managing Difficult Public Comment: How to K.E.E.P. C.A.L.M.

This course focuses on how boards can effectively manage difficult public comment periods during board meetings. Through different hypothetical scenarios, the course highlights eight principles to guide management of public comment periods.

The Basics of Governance

Get up to speed with this essential course on board and board
member roles and responsibilities and learn how high-functioning boards make a positive impact on student learning in their districts. It is recommended that every newly-elected or appointed school board complete this training within 90 days of taking the oath of office.

Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA)

This free course provides an overview of the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA). The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA) requires all school district employees to make a report to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) if they have reasonable cause to believe that a child enrolled in the district may be an abused or neglected child. This makes all district employees what are commonly called “mandated reporters.”

Leaders Light the Way: A History of IASB

This course was developed for individuals desiring a deeper understanding of The Illinois Association of School Board’s rich history.

Leaders Light the Way: Division Leadership

This course was developed for division leaders, those who aspire to be division leaders, or any individuals desiring a deeper understanding of the Illinois Association of School Boards’ leadership structure.

Policy 101

One of the most important duties of the school board is to determine lawful school board policy. This 20 minute course is for both new and veteran board members wanting to understand/refresh their memories of the policy and school board connection.

Senate Bill 100: School Discipline Reform

This course provides information for Illinois school board members regarding the role of the board in student discipline under Senate Bill 100.