Are you ready to have hard conversations? How will you handle conflict at a public meeting? How do you foster candor and engagement on your board? Develop your interpersonal competence and increase your confidence with a series of six webinars presented by Jim and Doug Bolton and the Illinois Association of School Boards. Build productive relationships with your board members and consistently perform at your best. IASB webinars are free and a benefit of membership.
Watch Now: Introduction to Social and Emotional Leadership Skills
Watch Now: Communicating with Candor
Watch Now: Building Mutual Understanding, Trust, and Respect Through Listening
Watch Now: Emotional Regulation: How to Stay Centered in The Storm
Watch Now: Working Through Conflict and Gridlock
Watch Now: Handling Hostile Questions While Standing Your Ground
Jim Bolton is a consultant, trainer, and executive coach that helps leaders build high-candor cultures in their organizations. For over 30 years, his firm, Ridge Training, has taught leaders in business and education the social and emotional leadership skills needed to build trust, communicate with respect, and deescalate conflict. Over the years these skills have been widely adopted in school districts throughout the US, including Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, and Texas. Additionally, Bolton has presented on these topics at national conferences and has been quoted in numerous business publications including Executive Excellence and Harvard Management Update. Learn more about Jim Bolton and Ridge Training at
Dr. Doug Bolton is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with Formative Psychological Services in Northbrook who has worked with children, adolescents, couples, and families for over 25 years. As a former psychologist and principal at North Shore Academy, a K-12 therapeutic school in Highland Park, he provided intensive therapeutic services to students and families and supervised the school’s clinical services. Currently, in addition to his private practice, Dr. Bolton provides consultation, supervision and professional development to parents, educators, and clinicians throughout northern Illinois on building children’s resilience, mental health issues in schools, and creating trauma-responsive school communities.