School boards that learn and practice effective governance behaviors as identified in IASB's Foundational Principles of Effective Governance
Who is eligible: Full school board and superintendent
The "School Board Governance Recognition" program acknowledges school boards that learn and practice effective governance behaviors as identified in IASB's Foundational Principles of Effective Governance, through participation in and support for board development programs and events. The primary focus of this program is on full board development and participation. Effective school boards understand that excellence in local school board governance requires full board commitment to obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities critical to good governance.School Board Governance Recognition applications are now available. The submission deadline for the award is August 1. The Board Governance Recognition Committee will review applications in September and notify award recipients once selections are made. Boards that earn the award will be recognized at Division Meetings and acknowledged at the Joint Annual Conference in November. Please note: This is a two-year award.
Submite Your School Board Governance Recognition Application
Questions about the School Board Governance Recognition program should be directed to Miranda Sexton at (217) 528-9688, ext 1118.
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