
Administrative Professionals Program Offered at Annual Conference

  • Date Posted
    November 9, 2023
  • Category
Administrative professionals and those who perform the duties of the school board secretary are encouraged to take part the Administrative Professionals’ Program in conjunction with the 2023 Joint Annual Conference.

The program, designed to enhance professional skills, provide networking, and build knowledge, will be offered all day on Friday and Saturday, November 17-18, at the Swissötel in Chicago. Attendees must be paid Conference registrants but there is no additional charge for the Administrative Professionals’ Program.

Presentation topics will appeal to both those new on the job and with years of experience. The program will kick off at 9 a.m. on Friday with a welcome session and the presentation of the 2023 Holly Jack Outstanding Service Award. The keynote will be by Debbie Gross, author of The Office Rockstar Playbook.

Panel sessions on a variety of topics will follow over the two-day event, including a new Roundtable Networking Event on Saturday morning.

Registration is still available. For additional information contact Haylie Noltensmeier at (217) 528-9688, ext. 1103.