
Division Meetings Are Underway

  • Date Posted
    February 27, 2024
  • Category
Join IASB starting this week for the next round of Division Meetings. Registration is available and details have been added for the 21 meetings for Late Winter and Spring 2024.

Division Meetings provide networking, professional development, peer recognition, updates from IASB, and other resources for school board members. Meetings offer programming, such as a keynote or breakout sessions on a variety of important education topics for school leaders.

Topics presented during this round of Division Meetings include the educator shortage, school safety and security, social and emotional learning, current issues in school law, and communications, and more.

Each of IASB’s 21 geographic divisions hosts a meeting in the spring and fall. The gatherings have a variety of formats, offerings, and topics. Most school board members attend the meeting within their home division, but all are encouraged to attend a meeting outside their division if a different date, site, or topic is better suited to their calendar, location, or interests.

Online registration is required and can be completed through IASB’s Member Login button. Attendance at Division Meetings earns participants five points in IASB’s Board Leader Recognition Program.