
What School Leaders Are Reading

  • Date Posted
    May 21, 2024
  • Category
In this edition of “What School Leaders are Reading,” we highlight articles from state school board associations and other education community publications that you might have missed. Stories include how Wisconsin schools deal with social media, successful levy campaign strategies, the importance of professional development, and Texas’ legacy of service.

Navigating the Digital Landscape: How Wisconsin Schools Can Overcome Social Media Challenges (Scroll to page 16)
Andrew Gribble, Wisconsin School News, January-February 2024

Successful Levy Campaign Strategies in Districts with Low Voter Support (Scroll to page 13)
Justin Zemanski and Paul Johnson, Journal of School Business Management, Fall-Winter 2023

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development (Scroll to page 40)
Robert M. Stwalley, III, The Journal (Indiana School Boards Association), Fall 2023

A Legacy of Service: TASB’s 75 Year History Shows Steadfast Commitment to Students (Scroll to page 8)
Melissa Locke Roberts, Texas Lone Star, January-February 2024