
Leak v. Board of Educ. of Rich Tp. High School Dist. 227, --- N.E.3d ----2015 IL App (1st) 1143202,

Due Process

Administrator Contracts
Case: Leak v. Board of Educ. of Rich Tp. High School Dist. 227, --- N.E.3d ----2015 IL App (1st) 1143202, 2015 WL 5274262
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The court at the Board’s request dismissed this case. The superintendent brought claims for declaratory judgment, which alleged that the Board improperly dismissed her. She also brought a claim for breach of contract. The Board had good cause for the dismissal of the superintendent because she acted outside the scope of her authority by transferring “disruptive” students to alternative schools without board hearings for extended periods of time. These students were not given any other form of a meaningful opportunity to be heard. Even if the practice of transferring students to alternative schools without a hearing was routinely done for years in the school district, this did not negate the superintendent’s responsibility to know the law and follow the School Code. If the Board had ulterior motives in terminating the superintendent, this did not negate the reasonable basis that existed for the superintendent’s dismissal.

The superintendent’s due process rights were not violated because there was no evidence to suggest that she did not receive an impartial hearing.

Shanell M. Bowden, IASB Law Clerk