An Administrative Procedures Project aids administrators in their implementation of the board policy manual’s directives, so the board can fulfill its monitoring role. An Administrative Procedures Project is available to districts that subscribe to PRESS Plus and meet other eligibility criteria.
An Administrative Procedures Manual developed as part of an Administrative Procedures Project:
- Includes all procedures expressly required by current board policy, and state and federal law and regulations.
- Is aligned with current board policy and district practices and is based upon the Policy Reference Manual.
- Contains individual administrative procedures and exhibits that are clear and concise, with legal references and cross-references to related materials.
- Is coded to correspond to the board policies it implements.
- Has implementation dates that are clearly stated at the end of each procedure and exhibit.
The Process
An overview of the project is as follows:- The enrollment period ends November 1 of each year.
- The district provides a point of contact and administrative team committee members to work with an IASB policy director in the development and editing of the administrative procedures manual.
- Following the Board's adoption of all draft policy updates presented to it by IASB, the policy director prepares and delivers to the district a draft administrative procedures manual based upon IASB’s Policy Reference Manual, and customized according to the requirements of the board’s adopted policy manual.
- The administrative team committee reviews the draft manual noting possible changes.
- The policy director and administrative team committee meet for up to eight hours to answer questions and review, edit, and further customize the administrative procedures manual.
- The policy director prepares and delivers an edited manual ready for review.
- Implementation dates are added by IASB, and the district receives a final copy of the manual.