
Recent Court Decisions

Recent court and agency decisions involving board work

IASB's Office of General Counsel prepares summaries chosen from the Illinois Supreme and Appellate courts, federal court, agencies, the Illinois Public Access Counselor, and other tribunals issuing interesting decisions. Information in the summaries is limited to a brief synopsis and is not intended for purposes of legal advice. For the complete text of any case cited in this section, go to the Illinois state courts, Illinois Attorney General, or Federal courts finder links.

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Questions regarding Recent Court and Agency Decisions should be directed to Maryam Brotine, ext. 1219, or by

Court decisions are listed in order of the date posted, with the most recent shown first.
  • Freedom of Information Act - FOIA
    IHSA Not a Public Body Subject to FOIA; Seeking IHSA Records from a School District Under Section 7(2) Fails When Requestor Does Not Establish Records are “Public Records”
    Case: Better Government Association v. Illinois High School Association and Consolidated High School District 230, 2016 IL App (1st) 151356 (6-24-16).
    Decision Date: Friday, June 24, 2016

    Plaintiff Better Government Association (BGA) issued a FOIA to the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) for all of IHSA’s contracts for accounting, legal, sponsorship, and public relations/crisis communications services and all licensed vendor applications for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 fiscal years. IHSA responded by stating it was not subject to FOIA because it was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. BGA then issued a FOIA to Consolidated High School District 230 (District 230) for the same records, seeking them under FOIA Section 7(2), which provides that “a public record that is not in the possession of a public body but is in the possession of a party with whom the agency has contracted to perform a governmental function on behalf of the public body, and that directly relates to the governmental function and is not otherwise exempt under this Act, shall be considered a public record of the public body, for purposes of this Act.” 5 ILCS 140/2. District 230 responded that it did not have any of the requested records in its possession.

    Next, BGA filed a complaint in circuit court alleging both IHSA and District 230 violated FOIA, asking that the court declare IHSA to be a subsidiary “public body” subject to FOIA because it performs a governmental function on behalf of its member schools, and asking that the court order IHSA and District 230 to produce the requested records. The circuit court dismissed BGA’s complaint. Applying a three-part test articulated in Rockford Newspapers, Inc. v. Northern Illinois Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence (64 Ill.App.3d 94 (1978)), the circuit court held that IHSA is not a subsidiary public body covered by FOIA. The circuit court further held that FOIA Section 7(2) did not apply to District 230 because IHSA did not perform a governmental function on its behalf.

    BGA appealed and the appellate court affirmed the circuit court’s dismissal. In so doing, the appellate court also relied upon the Rockford Newspapers, Inc. test to hold that IHSA is not a subsidiary public body covered by FOIA. It further held that BGA could not obtain the IHSA records through District 230 via FOIA Section 7(2) because BGA had not established that the IHSA’s records were “public records.”

  • Freedom of Information Act - FOIA
    Freedom of Information Act: failure to respond to a FOIA request
    Case: Public Access Opinion 16-004
    Decision Date: Monday, June 27, 2016

    For the third time this calendar year, the PAC has told public bodies they must respond to FOIA requests. On April 5, 2016, a Chicago Sun-Times Staff Reporter (“Requestor”) submitted a FOIA request via email to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) for various district-by-district sworn CPD staffing levels and personnel orders. On April 20, 2016, CPD’s FOIA Officer sent an email to Requestor with an attached letter dated April 13, 2016 that stated CPD was extending the time period for its response under Section 3(e) by five business days. On April 22, 2016, Requestor emailed CPD to note that 10 business days had passed and to ask when the documents would be ready. On April 25, 2016, CPD’s FOIA Officer responded via email, stating he was waiting for records from another department and would update Requestor on April 29, 2016. On May 5, 2016, Requestor emailed CPD for a status update. On May 11, 2016, CPD’s FOIA Officer emailed Requestor to request an extension for a response. Requestor then requested a specific date on which the records would be ready, but CPD did not respond with a specific date. Even upon request by the Public Access Bureau, CPD did not provide Requestor with a response to his FOIA request. The PAC found that CPD violated Sections 3(a) and 3(b) of FOIA by failing, within five business days, to: respond to Requestor’s FOIA request; provide the requested records; properly extend the timeline for its response per Section 3(e); or deny the request in whole or in part. The PAC ordered CPD to immediately provide all responsive records to Requestor, subject only to any permissible redactions under Section 7 of FOIA. The bottom line here is that public bodies must respond to FOIA requests within the time permitted per statute.

    This opinion is binding only to the parties involved and may be appealed pursuant to State law

  • Open Meetings Act - OMA
    Open Meetings Act: “public comment”
    Case: Komaa Mnyofu v. Board of Educ. of Rich Twp. High Sch. Dist. 227, 2016 WL 1319736 (N.D. IL. 2016).
    Decision Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2016
    The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois enjoined (stopped) Rich Township High School District 227 from enforcing its policy, expressed verbally during board meetings and in writing on board agendas, encouraging individuals to “refrain from mentioning the name of students and employees” during the public comment portion of its board meetings. Here, Plaintiff Mnyofu had been speaking during the public comment portion of a board meeting for over two minutes when he began criticizing individuals by name. In response, the board president asked for the microphone to be turned off, a security guard to stop Mnyofu from speaking, and the police to be called. Mnyofu continued to speak for approximately three more minutes before leaving the meeting. In finding that Mnyofu was entitled to a preliminary injunction to stop the board from enforcing this policy, the court did not reach the merits of Mnyofu’s claim that the board’s policy prohibits criticism of school officials and thus that the board intends to prohibit speech based on its content.
  • Freedom of Information Act - FOIA
    Withholding Records Relating to a Public Body’s Adjudication of Employee Grievances and Disciplinary Cases Under exemption 7(1)(n)
    Case: Peoria Journal Star v. City of Peoria, 2016 IL App (3d) 140838 (4-18-16).
    Decision Date: Monday, April 18, 2016
    A Peoria Journal Star reporter issued a FOIA to the City of Peoria for reports authored by a particular Peoria Police Department officer, but the City refused to disclose one of two responsive reports, asserting said report was exempt under Section 7(1)(n) because it was “a report of an employee grievance and served as the factual basis which initiated two internal disciplinary cases against two officers of the Peoria Police Department.” Upholding lower decisions by the Public Access Counselor and the trial court, the appellate court held that the report was not exempt under Section 7(1)(n) because the report “was created well before any adjudication took place and existed independent of any adjudication. That the report later led to disciplinary action against two officers is insufficient to make it exempt under FOIA.”
  • Freedom of Information Act - FOIA
    Failure to Respond to a FOIA Request
    Case: Public Access Opinion 16-001
    Decision Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016

    An individual submitted a FOIA request to the Chicago Police Department (CPD) for various First Amendment-related worksheets and for communications issued by the Crime Prevention Information Center generated from August 2014 through October 2014. CPD did not respond to the FOIA request within 5 business days, extend its time for a response under Section 3(e), or deny the request in writing. CPD then repeatedly failed to respond to subsequent requests by the Public Access Bureau that it respond to the FOIA request. The PAC ordered CPD to immediately provide all records responsive to the FOIA requester, subject only to any permissible redactions under Section 7 of FOIA. The bottom line here is that public bodies must respond to FOIA requests within the time permitted per statute.

    This opinion is binding only to the parties involved and may be appealed pursuant to State law.